Carbon Crucibles for E-Beam Sources

Carbon Crucibles for E-Beam Sources

Evaporation sources, also known as evaporation boats or crucibles, are components used in physical vapor deposition (PVD) processes to contain and vaporize evaporation materials. These sources provide a controlled environment for the material to be heated and vaporized, allowing it to condense onto a substrate and form a thin film.


SKNMT supply a variety of boats, crucibles and baskets for thermal and E-beam depositions. We have a variety of crucibles made of Graphite, Aluminum Oxide, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Tantalum, Platinum, Boron Nitride and so on. The crucible dimensions can be customized upon request.

Many evaporation sources are available in our stock list and we offer them at the best. If you are unable to find the evaporation source you want, please reach us via or +91-9015852036.

Aluminum Copper (Al/Cu), Aluminum Chromium (Al/Cr), Aluminum Magnesium (Al/Mg), Aluminum Silicon (AlSi), Aluminum Silicon Copper (Al/Si/Cu), Aluminum Silver (Al/Ag), Aluminum Vanadium (AlV), Calcium Nickel Chromium Iron (Ca/Ni/Cr/Fe), Cerium